Best Hair Transplant In Bangalore- Cost, Procedure, Types

A Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure that moves hair follicles from a part of the scalp called the ‘donor site’ to a bald or balding part of the scalp known as the ‘recipient site’. It is used to treat male pattern baldness. Hair transplant is becoming an increasingly popular option for people who want to improve their appearance and hair quality.
The Procedure Of Hair Transplant
First, our dermatologists at Vitals Klinic will examine your scalp and determine where the donor’s hair will be harvested. Donor’s hair is usually taken from the back of the head, where hair is less likely to thin or fall out. Our skilled dermatologist will then make small incisions in the donor area and extract individual hair follicles. The follicles are then inserted into small holes made in the balding area. The number of follicles implanted will be determined by the extent and size of the balding area.
The procedure will be performed under local anesthetic so that you will not feel any pain during the procedure.
A. Do’s and dont’s before hair transplant
If you’re considering a hair transplant procedure, it’s important to understand the pre-care required for the best possible outcome. Here we outline the key steps you need to take before your surgery to ensure proper healing.
- Shampoo your hair using a gentle shampoo before the surgery. Do not use any
styling products or gels in your hair. - Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for 15 days before the surgery. Smoking can
slow down the healing process, and alcohol can increase the risk of bleeding
during and after the surgery. - Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water in the days leading up to the surgery.
- It is important to avoid consuming any aspirin, over-the-counter medicines,
painkillers, anti-inflammatory medicines, Vitamins, B and E, and herbal
medications while on anticoagulants. - It is also essential to take any medications prescribed by our dermatologist before surgery.
B. On hair transplant treatment day
On hair transplantation day
- You must take your medicines prescribed by our dermatologist.
- You must wear a button-up shirt that can be easily wearable after the procedure.
- Eat a light breakfast before the procedure.
- Go along with a relative or a friend who will take you home after the procedure.
C. After hair transplant procedure
After hair transplant surgery you are probably eager to see the results. As exciting as it is, it’s important to remember that post-operative care is critical to the success of your transplant. Here are some tips on how to care for your hair transplant after surgery.
- Avoid getting your hair wet for the first week after surgery. Showering, swimming and even sweating can all cause damage to newly transplanted hairs.
- Gently shampoo your hair using warm water for the first few days after surgery. Do not scrub or massage your scalp, as this can cause damage to newly transplanted hairs.
- For the first week after surgery, avoid any strenuous activity that could cause you to sweat. This includes exercise and heavy lifting.
- Avoid wearing tight clothes because they cause the grafts to rub against each
other and result in hair loss. - You should avoid alcohol for 3 days afterward.
- Do not smoke for two weeks after the procedure.
- Continue the medicines prescribed by our dermatologist.
- Wear a hat or a scarf when going out in the sun.
Hair transplant cost in Bangalore
The cost of a hair transplant in Bangalore at Vitals Skin and Hair Clinic will depend on various factors such as the number of grafts required, the type of hair transplant surgery, and the experience and qualifications of the surgeon.
Types of hair transplant procedures
There are two types of hair transplantation procedures available at Vitals Skin and Hair Clinic
A. FUE hair transplant
Follicular unit excision is normally used for people with moderate to severe thinning of the front hairline. It is where an individual follicle is extracted, taken from the back of the head to be placed on a bald area over depleted hair. It is mainly used for people with thinning hair on the crown of the head. FUE is usually done using small punches, as each follicle is removed individually.
B. FUT hair transplant
Follicular unit transplant, this method is considered to be the most reputable hair replacement surgery method and is commonly used primarily by both men and women. The linear incision is made with the use of a special tool, and the hair in the strip is then rolled into tiny grafts which are then transplanted using micro-grafts. Each procedure leads to new hair growth. The decision about which one is best for you depend on the amount of hair loss, the size of your donor area, and the size of your recipient area.
Types of Hair Transplant In Bangalore
1. Hair transplant without shaving (non-shave technique)
A non-shave hair transplant is a form of hair transplantation that uses minimally-invasive techniques and produces optimal results. It is a better option for people looking to improve the appearance of their hair without having to take off any hair. The hair follicles of this method are extracted from the donor area and are placed where the hair needs to be.
2. Beard hair transplant

A beard hair transplant is a procedure that involves transplanting hair from the body of a donor to the face of a recipient. This is done to help the recipient improve their facial appearance. A beard transplant can change the appearance of your face and beard. It is a permanent solution for male pattern baldness. If you suffer from male pattern baldness and would like to improve your appearance, a beard transplant could be a great solution. Beard Hair transplant procedures can be performed using FUE or FUT. These are two different hair transplant procedures, and they have different benefits and drawbacks.
Procedure Of Beard Hair Transplant
A beard transplant is an FUE procedure and beard transplant procedures can be performed using the small or large graft method. A beard transplant will not affect the growth rate of your beard. In some cases, a beard transplant may even increase the growth rate of your beard. It’s become common enough that it is possible to have a beard transplant in Bangalore with the help of our hair specialists at Vitals Skin and Hair Klinic. We’ll examine what a beard transplant is and explain how transplants work as well. We will also provide an estimate for the cost of a beard transplant in Bangalore so that you can decide if it is the right solution for you.
3. Eyebrow hair transplant

An eyebrow transplant is a surgical procedure that uses donor tissue to move hair to the area that needs it. Many times, the donor tissue is taken from the scalp. However, in some cases, it can be taken from another part of the body that contains hair, such as the back of the head, or the back of the neck. The result is a thicker, fuller eyebrow. Eyebrow hair transplant is a great solution for those who want thicker, fuller eyebrows.
4. Body Hair Transplant(BHT)
In a body hair transplant, the donor tissue is obtained from the same part of the body that contains hair. This donor tissue is then placed in the area that needs the hair and allowed to regrow. Some men choose to get a body hair transplant as a way to make their facial hair denser, fuller, and more defined. For most people, we will primarily look at the face. and we offer BHT for both men and women. Body Hair Transplant (BHT) offers many good results for a wide range of conditions.
We offer the procedure for both men and women, and we understand that all patients are different. We offer a wide range of procedures to suit each individual’s needs.
Why Choose Vitals Klinic for Hair Transplant
When looking for the best hair transplant clinic in Bangalore, Vitals Klinic will never let you down. Our treatment quality, amazing results, and affordable hair transplant services have made us popular in Bangalore. Whatever your needs are for hair, brow, or beard transplant in Bangalore, we have the best solution for you.
We have a highly qualified team of hair transplant specialists, and we have been achieving amazing results consistently for years in this field. We established Vitals clinic as a leading hair transplant clinic in Bangalore and successfully performed thousands of hair transplant procedures. With 100 percent precise surgeries, Vitals clinic has attained natural and high-quality results for patients that can last for years. Some major reasons to choose us are:
- We offer the most advanced hair transplant treatment in Bangalore.
- We follow safe techniques.
- Enjoying maximum hair transplant results in a single sitting.
- We offer affordable hair transplant
- Witness a 100 percent growth rate after the transplantation.
Which is the best method for a hair transplant?
We will say both FUT and FUE can help in improving the hairline. However, FUE hair transplant is an advanced method. And compared to other traditional hair transplant techniques, FUE is less invasive and doesn’t leave any linear scar.
Is hair transplant a permanent solution to treat baldness?
Yes, it is considered a permanent solution. Different studies have proved that hair transplant procedures offer long-lasting results. The newly transplanted hair growth will be permanent. However, you need to follow our doctor’s advice for better results.
How costly is a hair transplant in Bangalore?
The average cost of a hair transplant procedure in Bangalore will depend on the area that needs to be transplanted. Vitals clinic is one of the most trusted centers in Bangalore to enjoy quality hair transplants at affordable prices. You can speak to our experts to get a clear idea about your hair transplant cost.
Who can go for a hair transplant?
If you have sufficient donors on your head back-side to cover your baldness, then you can opt for hair transplant surgery. For more information, prefer to consult our doctor now.
How are the costs of hair transplants calculated?
The price of a hair transplant will vary from one person to another, and the number of grafts to be transplanted. For instance, for 1000 grafts, the cost may range between Rs. 25000 to Rs. 30000. For 5000 grafts, the cost can go above Rs. 1,00,000.
Will I experience hair loss after my treatment?
Well, hair shedding is normal after a hair transplant surgery. But it is temporary and may last for one to two weeks. So, there is nothing to worry about. However, if it lasts for more than 2 weeks, then talk to our doctor for necessary treatments.
How much does 5000 grafts hair transplant cost in Bangalore?
The price for 5000 grafts can exceed Rs. 100,000.
How many years do hair transplants last?
The transplanted hairs start to seem natural about six months following the hair transplant procedure and will keep growing for the rest of your life.
Which city is best for hair transplants in India?
Advanced hair transplantation clinics with skilled physicians and trained staff are available in the cities of Bangalore and Mumbai in India.
What are the disadvantages of hair transplant Treatment?
Infections, crust or pus discharge around the surgical sites, scalp pain, itching, and swelling, inflammation of hair follicles (folliculitis), bleeding, and losing sensation around the surgery sites are some of the negative effects of hair transplants.
What is the best age for a hair transplant?
The recommended age range for hair transplantation is 25 to 45 years old. Early adulthood is not advised because the patient continues to lose hair as they age, even after the transplant, which makes the transplanted strips look very odd.
Which is better hair transplant or hair fixing?
It is obvious that getting a hair transplant is a better and safer option than wearing a wig. With technological advancements, finding a permanent solution for hair loss is no longer difficult, painful, or challenging.
Visit Our BTM Clinic Today
Name: Vitals Skin and Hair Clinic
Address: 8th Main Road, 390,
7th Cross Rd, BTM 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 56
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