Aesthetics and Beauty with Vitalsklinic

Date :25-Oct-2021

Hydra peels/ Jet peels
Hydra peel is a revolutionary, advanced and non-invasive skin treatment that is suitable for all skin types in all seasons. It involves exfoliation of the skin and administration of vitamins directly into the skin using high pressurized oxygen system. It gives outstanding results with a diverse range of aesthetic solutions.

  • Polishes the skin
  • Buffs away fine lines and wrinkles
  • Gives a more youthful glow to the skin
  • Hydrated skin infused with nutrients
  • Smoother and firmer skin
  • Reduced appearance of deeper, darker scars or age spots

Microdermabrasion is a non-chemical and non-invasive polishing procedure of the superficial skin that involves sanding off the first layer of dry, dead skin cells using a spray of microcrystals to reveal younger, healthier looking skin. To improve the appearance of the skin, this procedure also encourages the formation of new underlying layer of skin cells with higher levels of collagen and lastin.

  • Faint and superficial pigmentation
  • Fine facial lines or wrinkles
  • Age spots
  • Extreme sun damage
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Clogged Pores
  • Skin texture problems
  • Minor scars
  • Acne and the acne scars

Chemical peels
Chemical peel is a quick and effective way to get rid of dullness, dark circles, dry skin and other facial problems. It rejuvenates the skin to restore or improve the lost aesthetic glow and bestow ultimate younger looking skin and confidence.

  • Fine lines, freckles, wrinkles and other signs of ageing
  • Dark spots, melasma and hyper pigmentation
  • Facial dullness
  • Dark circles
  • Dry facial skin
  • Dark complexion

1. What is the treatment duration?

It’s a lunch hour procedure, takes 30-45 min

2. Should I take any leave from work?

No, you can immediately get back to your work after applying sunscreens

3. What will be my aftercare?

Our dermatologist will suggest you the after care that has to be followed depending upon the depth of the peel.

Why Vitals?
Our dermatologists at Vitals Skin care clinic in Bangalore are immensely experienced in the field of aesthetics, like skin peeling in Bangalore. Aesthetic is an all-inclusive specialty that aims to improve the cosmetic appearance of a person. Aesthetics includes dermatology, reconstructive surgery and plastic surgery, both surgical and non-surgical treatment.

Visit Our BTM Clinic Today

Name: Vitals Skin and Hair Clinic

Address: 8th Main Road, 390,
7th Cross Rd, BTM 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 56

Contact number:92068 69610

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